Our Supporters




Bozeman Daily chronicle

The Bozeman Daily Chronicle has donated newspapers for inclusion in each box, free/discounted advertising, and special items produced by the Chronicle.

Desert Mountain broadcasting

Desert Mounatain Broadcasting (KBOZ stations) continues sponsorship. Their stations include The Zone, K Bear, The River, KBOZ, The Ag Station, and ESPN.

The Eagle

The Eagle supports AAS by encouraging listeners to submit names and addresses of their deployed loved ones.


edward jones - kris kumlien

Kris Kumlien, Edward Jones, provides financial advise for AAS to function efficiently.


first security bank

First Security provides a drop off box during September and October in all Bozeman locations and Belgrade.



K-Sky supports AAS by encouraging listeners to submit names and addresses of their deployed loved ones.


Kenyon noble

Kenyon Noble generously donated the shelving for our workspace. With their incredible continued support, we ar able to run this nonprofit efficiently.

northwestern energy

NorthWestern Energy has been a supporter for a number of years by donating many items for our boxes.


Safeway has been a tremendous supporter of AAS for years and has shown an ability to respond to our needs in a short period of time. 

sayre orthodontics

Sayre Orthodontics Cash4Candy program* allows Trick-o-Treaters to trade in their candy which is then donated to AAS.

*See Events Calendar for details.


town pump

Town Pump supports Adopt A Sox not only donating cash but also by donating many items for our boxes.


Adopt A Sox thanks all our supports for the past and continued support of its efforts to encourage dEployed Montana military serving our country during the holidays.